My holiday at the UK:
I was very surprised, in the good way, about the people in London!
Everyone was so unbelievable kind and polite!
In Belgium I am often considered being (sometimes to much) polite, but I felt rude compared to the people over there. Also I saw a few lovely gothcouples at London, but not as much as I had expected.
We visited in London: the Palace of Westminster, the Towerbridge, Harrods, the London zoo and the British museum.
Especially the British museum is worth a visit, it is free and HUGE...!
They have a pretty Egyptian collection and, as turned out when we arrived, the two headed snake. The snake seems not to have an "official name", but it's a known piece of Aztec art of which I am fond since I was about ten years old. I am so happy I have seen it!
At the Towerbridge, with typical English weather. ;) |
The second week we stayed at a small village and visited the coast, some churches with lovely graveyards (some headstones were almost 200 years old!), some Victorian houses (I adored this part of our holiday ^^) and many, many, many ... sheep! XD
We took a break during our travel back to Belgium to visit Stonehenge, and then our holiday was over...
This was our best holiday in years and I hope to return within a while, because there is so much left to see and I definitely want to pay a visit to those famous Camden shops.
After my holiday I had back my old spirit which had left me the past weeks. :)