Last minute I decided to write a round up of 2011 at last.
2011 was a stormy year with a lot of clouds and rain, tough some people made the sun shine again.
EDIT: this post turned out quite longer than expected and is actually written just for myself.
Here follow the most important pieces for readers:
The best (of 2011):
- started a blog by myself and even met a blogger (
Sara) I was reading already a long time ^^
- learned a lot about alt. culture through to all the blogs I follow and especially
The Ultimate Goth Guide. Thank you!
Wishes for the coming year
- increase my social abilities, but in small steps.
final goals this year:
* talk less about myself when meeting someone
* learn to have a decent conversation without pulling myself down or talk about school
* go alone (or with someone else than the one person I always ask to accompany me) to a public event and have a decent conversation with at least three people.
- go to the Emilie Autumn concert! I am so happy she is coming back to Belgium! : D
I wish you all a lovely 2012 and may your wishes come true this year!
With Mr. Snoes ^^ |
The full version is the following:
The worst:
- saw a dear friend walk away from me and I still don't know why
- fell flat on my face a few times while trying to increase my social abilities
(I really mind that I am not able to go to concerts on a regular base or even have a 'casual' social life as a teenager because I am so shy and insecure)
- I started bending recently under the pressure of growing up
(studying or quitting and start to work? Foreseeing the departure of my parental house: how on earth am I ever going to be able to pay for a house, furniture, ...?! And do I want to live alone or do I want someone to share my house with?)
- ID-crisis
The best:
- graduated at secondary education and earned my diploma as a pharmacy assistent.
- still see some people which I really like :) , while I still have no idea why these persons want to hang around with me
- started a blog by myself and even met a blogger (
Sara) I was reading already a long time ^^
- went for the first time to a festival all days
- started babysitting (I consider it as a hobby), which is a lot of fun!
- gained some financial independency (through babysitting)
- after all that attention for roller derby, I couldn't resist blowing the dust of my inlineskates recently and went skating for two hours... XD I want to put my skates back on as soon as possible!
- learned how to use a sewing-machine
- started experimenting with make-up more decent (I am satisfied with my current very simple but nice result)
- socialised with the people of my study direction. I don't have 'real friends' at school, but gained a few aquintances. It is a start.
Note: most usefull thing I learned: if you greet someone at a school corridor they aren't annoyed but feel appreciated. (and if they don't respond I just shouldn't pay attention)
- learned a lot about alt. culture through to all the blogs I follow and especially
The Ultimate Goth Guide. Thank you!
- got a new ear piercing! ^^ (tragus)
- went to the U.K.!
- bought some very pretty clothing pieces
I started studying at high school but it is very hard. My thougts were to pick an easy direction, related to subjects I find interesting but...
whole december I slept only a few hours a night because I drowned in my homework. Currently I have a study period and I will have my first exam eleven january but I am losing courage and motivation every day. Today I am already quite behind my tight study shedule...
Wishes for next year:
- to regain my courage and energy!
- increase my social abilities, but in small steps.
final goals this year:
* talk less about myself when meeting someone
* learn to have a decent conversation without pulling myself down or talk about school
* go alone (or with someone else than the one person I always ask to accompany me) to a public event and have a decent conversation with at least three people.
- go to the Emilie Autumn concert! I am so happy she is coming back to Belgium! : D
- get over the departure of my former best friend (was friends with her for more than ten years, but once her boyfriend came around...)
- get my driving licence
- during the summer holiday I want to read easy French books
- read some known books, prefarbly with a Dutch/Belgian author
- sew more (still have to work on the lolita dress. Regulary I just have to look at it and be like <3, materialist I am. ^^ )
- have some skating trips
- fullfilling my current studies as a secondary school teacher/ switch direction to primary school teacher/ start working
- probably I will lose most accuintances from secondary school, but I feel like having a meeting during coming summer holidays with all my classmates (while writing this post I even got a message from some of my classmates asking why I was online right now and not at a party or such. They know I go out rarely but it is so sweet of them! :) )
I wish you all a lovely 2012 and may your wishes come true this year!